
Информация о компании TouchBar

последняя версия6.2
размер6.2 MB
категории приложения, Personalization
разработчикAleCot Labs

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Скриншоты в TouchBar

Описание в TouchBar

скачать TouchBar для Андроид


TouchBar for Android is a bottom bar inspired from TouchBar for iOS (Cydia tweak by @Laughing Quoll) that helps users to control settings like:
- Wifi on/off
- Data
- Airplane Mode
- Bluetooth on/off
- Rotation on/off
- Brightness (adaptive or not and its level)
- Sound level
- Ring (mode and its level)
- Lockscreen
- Flashlight
- Camera

Also, it offer a Google shortcut, to quick search what you want from everywhere, a button for apps shortcuts to switch between apps with a single click!
That's not all! It also offer a dock to control your preferred Music app and a Widget dock!

Touchbar for Android is also customizable in quite many way: bar backround, buttons background, change button and Docks positions, select if auto-hide it or not if touched outside and many more.

Screenshots modified using Screener - Better Screenshots, link here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.toastcode.screener

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скачать TouchBar для Андроид прямая ссылка

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TouchBar 6.2 Update


TouchBar for Android 6.2
- New icon
- Added many new colors for infinite combinations;
- bug fixes and improvements.

1 отзывы

размер 6.2 MB
категория приложения
разработчик AleCot Labs
Google играть Google Play

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