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Information à Propos de UHISCOUTS

dernière Version1.0
Taille11.6 MB
catégories Apps, Weather
développeurNavid Hashemi
mise à Jour2018-03-25

Télécharger UHISCOUTS pour android lien direct.

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Description de UHISCOUTS

Télécharger UHISCOUTS pour android


This app is designed for the Smart & Connected COmmunities Urban Thermal Sensing (SCOUTS) project. It is a project under Smart and Connected Community program of National Science Foundation (NSF).
The app collects user's GPS data in the background and uses Bluetooth to connect to Kestrel® DROP environmental loggers and it may affect battery life. In order to use the app for the first time, you need to enter the ID written on the Kestrel® DROP sensors, provided by department of Geography at the university of Georgia. Then, the app will detect the sensor through Bluetooth and starts data collection, even if it is running on the background. From the second time, you just need to open the app and have the Kestrel® DROP sensor nearby in order to start data collection

Télécharger UHISCOUTS pour android lien direct

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mise à Jour 1.0

4 Commentaires

Taille 11.6 MB
catégorie Apps
Développeur Navid Hashemi
google Play Google Play

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